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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Reduce large pores with this trick

Enlarged pores are generally genetic, they also tend to affect oily skin especially the T zone, and with our polluted and dusty weather they store a lot of dirt giving the skin an unclean, un-fresh appearance.
In order to minimize your pores as much as you can, fill a small spritzer with rose water and after washing your face very well spritz your naked (without makeup) face everyday right before you go out.
Rose water helps reduce enlarged pores not only that your face will smell like flowers for quiet sometime.
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Rock Love Songs said...

This is cool I never heard this before. I have fairly big pores around my nose and always wondered why. I stopped eating sugar years ago and it seems to fix acne problems completely. I'll have to try this and see if it closes up my pores.

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