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Monday, August 30, 2010

Eliminate Dark Circles Under the Eye

 Many people deal with dark circles under or around the eyes. For some it is an inherited condition. For others it occurs due to lack of sleep or allergies. Whatever the cause, the condition can be made less obvious with the use of concealer.
  1. Try to eliminate or at least lessen the problem by getting plenty of sleep and staying hydrated.
  2. Apply foundation first and then apply your concealer. Don't use a dry concealer as it tends to settle into fine lines more,making you appear older. Also do not over apply your make-up. When it is on to heavy, it also makes you look older.
  3. Apply concealer with a gold-based tone. This will offset the blueish tone of the circles. Use the same shade as your skin tone, or just one shade lighter. If you use concealer that is obviously lighter than your foundation, you then call attention to the under eye area because it is too light.
  4. Only apply concealer from the inner corner of your eye to the center. Do not apply the concealer all the up to the lash line, since dark circles do not go all the way up to the lash line.
  5. Use a little shimmery highlighter or lumminizing stick just in the inner corner of the eye. The light reflecting particles in these products will distance he darkness under your eye.
  6. Using very fine translucent powder, dust the under eye areas as well as the rest of the face.
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