If you'll be a virgin when you get married, you're probably feeling some apprehension about what will happen on your wedding night. Here are tips and advice to help things go smoothly.
How to Communicate BEFORE the wedding night
Pick a quiet moment to ask your soon-to-be-spouse "are you feeling nervous at all about our wedding night?" Odds are, he or she will be relieved to have the opportunity to talk about it. Talk about what your hopes and fears are. If your partner has sexual experience or you want to prevent pregnancy, talking about safer sex is essential. You may want to visit a counselor, or talk about sex during your pre-wedding counseling. If you are too nervous to bring up the subject of sex, consider leaving a magazine open, or even forwarding this article in an email.
How to communicate DURING sex
The most important sex tip for being a great lover is to learn how to communicate in bed. For nervous first timers, it might seem more natural to stay silent; dirty talk can be intimidating. Try saying, "That feels good" or just moaning a little when you like something. Be observant of your partner as well - if they're quiet and still, you might want to try something different. You can ask, "Does that feel good?" or "Can I try..." Most importantly, speak up when something doesn't feel good. Sex can and should give both of you pleasure.
Will she bleed? Will it be painful?
When a woman loses her virginity, it is possible for it to be a little bloody or painful. However, it shouldn't last for too long, and it is almost never very serious. To make things easier, make sure there's plenty of foreplay before you try penetration. You'll also want to have a good lubricant. I recommend a brand called "Slippery Stuff" because it is safe to use with latex, and it's glycerin-free. (Glycerin can cause yeast infections.) Even if you use a lubricated condom, you'll want to use extra lube. And, if you're afraid of bleeding on the hotel sheets, bring a towel with you, or your own sheets.
Will he be able to maintain an erection? What happens if he can't?
The pressure of the wedding night can be too much for many men. If things aren't "working," try to change up the mood. Spend some time kissing, and fondling each other. Perhaps make a game out of how many different body parts you can kiss, or be a little more serious by talking about the wedding, your love for each other, and milestones ahead of you.
Will I be any good? How can I wow my new husband or wife?
Sex, like most things, takes practice. You are likely to be a little clumsy and to feel a little goofy. Take things slowly, and try to listen to your partner. Find out what feels good, and what doesn't. Don't be afraid to ask! But don't concentrate on how mind-blowing (or not!) the physical feelings are. Instead try to be gentle with one another, and focus on how amazing it is to finally be in each other's arms as a married couple.
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Having an Oily Skin?.. solutions are here!
With reference to the previous article which has been talking about the
best way to take care of the face skin, in this article we will follow
the same direction in recognizing one of the very difficult type of the
skins which called the oily skin and how to deal with it ,
Which may cause a lot of embarrassment for the girls and especially in
the adolescence. The resulting problems, particularly acne
best way to take care of the face skin, in this article we will follow
the same direction in recognizing one of the very difficult type of the
skins which called the oily skin and how to deal with it ,
Which may cause a lot of embarrassment for the girls and especially in
the adolescence. The resulting problems, particularly acne
Caring for Oily Skin
skin is caused by over-active glands, which produce too much sebum.
Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands. It is necessary as it helps
lubricate your skin and carries away dead skin cells. When the skin is
oily, too much sebum is being produced. This article tells you:
skin is caused by over-active glands, which produce too much sebum.
Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands. It is necessary as it helps
lubricate your skin and carries away dead skin cells. When the skin is
oily, too much sebum is being produced. This article tells you:
- What are the problems faced by people having oily skin?
- How food intake and oily skin are associated?
- What causes oily skin?
The right oily skin care
is essential for anyone with oily skin. Oily skin does not look healthy
and is prone to skin problems like acne. It is important that such skin
be given proper treatment for oily skin.
is essential for anyone with oily skin. Oily skin does not look healthy
and is prone to skin problems like acne. It is important that such skin
be given proper treatment for oily skin.
What is oily skin and how is it caused?
skin is caused by over-active glands, which produce too much sebum.
Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands. It is necessary as it helps
lubricate your skin and carries away dead skin cells. When the skin is
oily, too much sebum is being produced. The skin becomes dull and greasy
and pores may become clogged.
The extra secretion of sebum can
be caused by many factors. Heredity, diet, birth control pills and the
wrong cosmetics can all cause oily skin. Hormonal balances can also
affect the production of sebum, which is why oily skin is often common
in teenagers, pregnant women or women going through menopause.
skin is caused by over-active glands, which produce too much sebum.
Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands. It is necessary as it helps
lubricate your skin and carries away dead skin cells. When the skin is
oily, too much sebum is being produced. The skin becomes dull and greasy
and pores may become clogged.
The extra secretion of sebum can
be caused by many factors. Heredity, diet, birth control pills and the
wrong cosmetics can all cause oily skin. Hormonal balances can also
affect the production of sebum, which is why oily skin is often common
in teenagers, pregnant women or women going through menopause.
Problems Faced by People with Oily Skin
with oily skin often suffer from skin problems, like blemishes, acnes,
black heads, white heads and pimples. Enlarged and clogged pores may be a
problem. Oily skin often looks dull and shiny. With the right oily skin
treatment, it is possible to treat such problems.
with oily skin often suffer from skin problems, like blemishes, acnes,
black heads, white heads and pimples. Enlarged and clogged pores may be a
problem. Oily skin often looks dull and shiny. With the right oily skin
treatment, it is possible to treat such problems.
How to have less oily skin
skin, and the problems it brings, can be minimized. Thorough cleansing
can prevent some of the problems associated with oily skin, as it
removes the dirt and dust and stops the pores becoming clogged. As
make-up can also clog pores, it is important that all make-up is removed
before going to bed. Here are some more tips on how to have less oily
Natural oily skin care can be very effective. Food intake, proper
hydration, herbal care and other natural remedies can all help provide
the proper treatment for oily skin.
Food Intake
To improve your oily skin through nutrition, eat plenty of foods that
are rich in protein. Include lots of leafy vegetables and fresh fruit.
Vitamin B2 can help prevent oily skin, so include good sources of B2 by
eating wheat germs, whole grains, beans and nuts.
Cut down on the amount of sugar and fat in your diet, and avoid soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, chocolate and fried food.
People sometimes make the mistake that oily skin does not need to be
hydrated, but oil is not moisture. Keep your skin hydrated by drinking
plenty of water. A good moisturizer, that is suited to oily skin, can
also help keep your oily skin hydrated.
skin, and the problems it brings, can be minimized. Thorough cleansing
can prevent some of the problems associated with oily skin, as it
removes the dirt and dust and stops the pores becoming clogged. As
make-up can also clog pores, it is important that all make-up is removed
before going to bed. Here are some more tips on how to have less oily
Natural oily skin care can be very effective. Food intake, proper
hydration, herbal care and other natural remedies can all help provide
the proper treatment for oily skin.
Food Intake
To improve your oily skin through nutrition, eat plenty of foods that
are rich in protein. Include lots of leafy vegetables and fresh fruit.
Vitamin B2 can help prevent oily skin, so include good sources of B2 by
eating wheat germs, whole grains, beans and nuts.
Cut down on the amount of sugar and fat in your diet, and avoid soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, chocolate and fried food.
People sometimes make the mistake that oily skin does not need to be
hydrated, but oil is not moisture. Keep your skin hydrated by drinking
plenty of water. A good moisturizer, that is suited to oily skin, can
also help keep your oily skin hydrated.
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Human skin,
Sebaceous gland,
Skin Care
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Foods That Make You Glow!
One has to exercise sufficiently to look good. But it is important to eat the right kind of diet to look beautiful.
There are a number of beauty foods that are healthy and help in enhancing your looks. Given below some foods that you can add to your diet if you want to look beautiful.
Vegetables: you should have three to five servings of vegetables daily. Include one serving of raw, leafy greens.
Protein: Do not have more than three-ounce servings a day. Take off all the fat. Try to include two servings of turkey or chicken and a serving of fish a day is ideal.
Fruits: Have two to three servings everyday. ½ cup of chopped or sliced fruit is one serving.
Dairy: Have at least two servings daily. One serving is eight ounces of milk or yogurt.
Fats: Salad dressing, cooking oil, butter and mayonnaise should be limited to two servings a day.
Eat these foods for beauty and follow the beauty diet and you will notice that over a short period of time you are looking better than you did before.
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There are a number of beauty foods that are healthy and help in enhancing your looks. Given below some foods that you can add to your diet if you want to look beautiful.
- Apple Cider Vinegar: This vinegar has a number of healing properties and it makes the skin soft and supple. Apple cider vinegar is concentrated with enzymes and these help peel off dead skin cells. It breaks down fat and helps food digest properly.
- Carrots: Help to maintain the outer layer of the skin to prevent premature aging. It works just like Retin A.
- Cheese: Make a slice or two of hard cheese a part of your diet. Cheese helps to prevent bacteria from growing in the mouth and prevents cavities. Choose between Swiss, cheddar or Gouda.
- Citrus Fruits: These fruits hold the skin cells together by forming collagen. Collagen cannot be added to the skin topically and hence fruits and juices must be made an integral part of your daily diet.
- Cranberries: These berries keep the urinary tract lining healthy.
- Garlic: Helps to combat wrinkles and restores tissues.
- Nonfat Yogurt: Is high is calcium and helps to keep your smile white and your teeth cavity-free.
- Sweet Potatoes: These potatoes are full of vitamin A and vitamin A is known for being an anti-wrinkling agent. The result of eating this vegetable is smoother skin.
- Tomatoes: This vegetable does wonders to your skin. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium.
- Wheat Germ: To get rid of pimples efficiently include two or three tablespoons of wheat germ in your diet. You add this to your cereal, yogurt and cottage cheese.
Vegetables: you should have three to five servings of vegetables daily. Include one serving of raw, leafy greens.
Protein: Do not have more than three-ounce servings a day. Take off all the fat. Try to include two servings of turkey or chicken and a serving of fish a day is ideal.
Fruits: Have two to three servings everyday. ½ cup of chopped or sliced fruit is one serving.
Dairy: Have at least two servings daily. One serving is eight ounces of milk or yogurt.
Fats: Salad dressing, cooking oil, butter and mayonnaise should be limited to two servings a day.
Eat these foods for beauty and follow the beauty diet and you will notice that over a short period of time you are looking better than you did before.
Apple cider vinegar,
Cereal germ,
Cottage cheese,
Diet food,
Various Beauty Tips

- To remove puffiness from the eyelids, massage a drop of very fresh castor oil on to them.
- To cool your eyes, make eye pads using thick slices of cucumber. Another option is to use cotton pads soaked in cold milk. Lie down and place them on your closed eyes and relax for a while.
- Putting a drop of rose water into each eye just before you sleep can also refresh you eyes.
- To prevent your lips from chapping, use hot water fermentation on your lips and then apply a mixture of vaseline and honey. Apply this mixture about three times a week.
- To prevent your lips from drying you can use a ground mixture or rose petals and milk butter.
- To delay age spots on your hand, use a piece of lemon and rub all over your hand, before washing. This will delay onset of age-spots.
- If you have no time to shampoo your hair before going out, then brush 1 tablespoon of talcum powder or corn flour through your hair. Try this out first when you are not in hurry to make sure that it works the way you want.
- To prevent hair loss you should have a biotin rich drink. Blend bananas with honey, yogurt and low fat milk. Drink this for a few weeks.
- While blow drying and setting your hair, blow-dry at hot on the roots of the hair. Roll your hair inwards or outwards at the ends. To improve the setting make sure the ends are evenly rolled in or rolled out. Heat the hair for a second and then let it cool. This process of setting the hair will last longer and make your hair look beautiful.
- To condition your hair, after shampooing your hair take some conditioner on your palm and rub it with both hands. Apply from the hair shaft moving downwards. Do not apply on your scalp. Rinse your hair after 5 minutes.
- To add extra shine and glow to your hair add 2 tablespoons of malt vinegar. Use it as a last rinse and towel dry your hair.
Eating Healthy and Losing weight
There you go!
As promised, I am sharing with you my own diet. Please remember that each person’s body is different. Age, physique, activity levels and so on affect the way diets work for people. So if this diet has worked for me, it may not necessarily work for other people.
You need to check with your doctor or nutritionist before you start this or any other diet and always use your own judgment.
And finally, please not that I am against diets; I am with a healthy and nutritious lifestyle that goes on forever. Think of this as the way you should start living and not a short term plan.
Now read the following rules first:
Eat small frequent meals
Eat 6 to 8 times per day which equates to roughly every 2 to 4 hours. It is important to keep a constant influx of nutrients (protein, calories, healthy fats and complex and low-glycemic carbohydrates) in your body to maintain a positive nitrogen balance.
Eat your body weight in grams of proteins
Always strive for 2.5 to 3 grams per kilograms of bodyweight in grams of protein. For example, if you weigh 60 KG then you need to eat 150-180 grams of protein per day. This is spread out between the 6 meals that you eat in a day which comes to an average of 30 grams of protein per meal.
Carbohydrates are crucial to muscle growth
Do your best to eat 4 to 5 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of bodyweight, so again if your weight is 60 KG then you need to eat about 240 to 300 grams per day. And usually aim for a slightly lower amount if you want to lose weight.
Eat enough calories
It is important to take in 30 to 40 calories per kilograms of bodyweight. Start at the lower number and adjust up or down based on the progress that you are making. If gains are coming well and your body looks to be gaining muscle with a minimal gain in body fat, maintain or even slightly up your caloric intake. If the opposite is occurring, lower the calories until the desired effects are occurring.
So here’s what a meal should look like:
Meal One - Breakfast: 7 – 8 am:
Any of the following choices:
- 2 eggs with little olive oil (add vegetables for a delicious omelet)
- 2 pieces of toasted bread (multigrain, wholegrain or whole-wheat)
- Vegetables (cucumber, tomato, onion, etc)
- 2/3 cup of Muesli (or Oats or organic whole-wheat flakes)
- 2 cups of unsweetened soy milk (or skimmed milk)
- 1 piece of fruit (orange, apple, etc.)
- A handful of mixed raw nuts
- Foul and Hummos (one cup) with olive oil and lemon
- 2 pieces of toasted bread (multigrain, wholegrain or whole-wheat)
- Vegetables (cucumber, tomato, onion, etc)
Meal Two – Snack 1: 11 am:
- 2 slices of sheep Kashkawan with a slice of organic whole-wheat bread , a slice or tomato or cucumber OR
- 2 tbls. Natural peanut butter with Organic whole-wheat bagel OR
- 2 Slices of Turkey with multi-grain toast with a slice of tomato and mustard
Meal Three – Lunch: 2 pm:
- Protein (Beef, Chicken or Fish)
- Mixed Salad (any vegetables)
- One cup Brown Rice
Meal Four – Snack 2: 4 pm:
- 1 small apple or any fruit of your choice
Meal Five – Dinner: 7 pm:
- 2 to 3 cups of mixed salad
- 6 oz. of sliced chicken breast OR sirloin steak
Body weight,
Weight loss
Tips That Make You Look Younger Instantly!

- Make sure that you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. It will help your body stay hydrated and flush it free of toxins as well. At the same time, it will make your face glow and shine.
- Always wear a sunscreen lotion when you go out in the day, to protect your skin from harmful ultra violet (UV) rays. Make sure that you are using a sunscreen with at least 15 SPF.
- Visit your hairdresser for a younger hair makeover. Rather than sticking to an old-fashioned hairstyle, go for a younger and more carefree look. You will drop years from your age, this way.
- Pay attention to the lipstick color. Always avoid bright red and brown shades and stick to neutrals, like beiges and pinks.
- Do not overdo with your eyebrows outlining. Subtlety is the key when it comes to eye makeup that makes you look young.
- Get manicures and pedicures done on a regular basis. Go for a facial sitting at least once in a month.
- Avoid wearing round neck blouses, which may draw attention to a drooping posture. You should always prefer wearing V-neck clothes, which direct the eye up.
- Always maintain a proper and confident posture. It not only makes you look younger, but also help you appear slimmer than you are.
- A young fragrance always makes you seem much younger than you really are. According to a survey, women wearing scents with pink grapefruit in it appeared, on average, 6 years younger than their actual age.
- Try to get at least 7-8 hours sleep on a daily basis. It will help you feel younger as well as extremely refreshed.
- It is said that love can make you feel as well as look years younger than your age. Fall in love with your spouse once again. Better yet, fall in love with yourself.
- Avoid processed foods as well as those food items that have too much sugar in them.
- Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Increase your consumption of food items that are rich in proteins.
- If you are overweight, try to lose those extra pounds, by sticking to a healthy diet and indulging in exercise. No crash dieting please!
- Include the basic steps of cleansing, toning, moisturize and nourishing your skin, in your daily routine.
Skin Care,
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Best Scrub Around

An amazing body scrub that does wonders and leaves your skin super clean and soft is sugar, lemon & olive oil scrub.
Ingredients: Mix 5 Tbs sugar , 1/4 cup olive oil , 1/2 a lemon and 1ts of grounded cinnamon and rubbing it on your body, you can wash it immediately but leaving it for 1 or 2 minutes is better so that your skin will have enough time to absorb the olive oil.
A great addition to this scrub would be melted cocoa butter (take care it melts very quickly). Cocoa butter leaves skin smooth and is generally very good for healing scars, stretch marks and other skin problems.
Some prefer putting the warm cocoa butter after the scrub and leaving it in. Make sure you only add a little bit, a dollop or so, you don't want to have oil and sticky skin.
1) If you feel that this mask is very strong for your face. Limit using it to your body.
2)If your skin gets reddish take out the cinnamon from the mask.
3) If you have any skin allergies or your skin is very sensitive try this scrub on a small part at first.
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